
Must-Use AI-Powered TikTok Analytics Tools for Better Marketing After Trying to Buy TikTok Followers

If you’ve been in the world of social media, you’re well aware of the explosive rise of TikTok. This platform has become wildly popular while becoming an almost invaluable goldmine for brands looking to engage with their target audience through short-form videos. But how do you measure the success and impact of your TikTok campaigns? How to buy followers on TikTok? Should you buy followers to see your growth get better?

That’s where AI-powered analytics tools come into play. In this blog post, we’ll explore some must-use tools that will revolutionize your TikTok marketing game after trying to buy followers. Get ready for data-driven insights, performance tracking, competitor analysis, and so much more – all at your fingertips.



BrandWatch is a powerful AI-powered analytics tool that can be your secret weapon in deciphering the success of your TikTok marketing efforts. With its highly advanced features and real-time data analysis, BrandWatch ensures you stay ahead of the game. One of the standout features of BrandWatch is its ability to monitor sentiment analysis. It can analyze user comments, mentions, and conversations surrounding your brand on TikTok so you can gauge how people perceive your content. This invaluable insight allows you to tweak your strategy and create more engaging videos that resonate with your audience.


mobileTalkwalker is one of the must-use AI-powered TikTok analytics tools that can take your marketing efforts to the next level. With its advanced features and capabilities, Talkwalker provides valuable insights into your TikTok campaigns and helps you optimize your marketing strategies. One of the key features of Talkwalker is its real-time monitoring capability. It allows you to track mentions, hashtags, and keywords related to your brand or industry on TikTok. This enables you to stay updated with the latest trends and conversations happening on the platform, helping you identify new opportunities for engagement.

Another powerful aspect of Talkwalker is its influencer-tracking functionality. It helps you identify top influencers in your niche who have a strong presence on TikTok. By collaborating with these influencers, you can tap into their followers base and expand your reach effectively.


With its robust features and user-friendly interface, Socialbakers can help marketers gain valuable insights into their TikTok performance. The best feature offered by Socialbakers is its content analysis capabilities. This tool can provide detailed metrics on engagement rates, reach, and impressions for each piece of content posted on TikTok. Socialbakers also offer audience insights that are crucial for effective targeting. Marketers can use this tool to segment their TikTok audience based on various demographics such as age, gender, location, and interests. This data helps in creating targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with the intended audience.

Rival IQ


Rival IQ is another AI-powered TikTok analytics tool that can take your marketing efforts to the next level. Rival IQ offers comprehensive hashtag-tracking capabilities. You can easily monitor which hashtags are driving engagement and adjust your content strategy accordingly. This ensures that you’re leveraging the right hashtags to reach and engage with your target audience effectively. Furthermore, Rival IQ provides detailed audience demographics data. Understanding who your followers are and their interests enable you to tailor your content specifically for them, resulting in higher engagement rates and better overall performance on TikTok.

In this fast-paced digital age, social media platforms like TikTok have become an essential tool for marketers to reach their target audience. However, without the right analytics tools mentioned, it can be challenging to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.…


Common Mistakes Startups Should Never Do on TikTok: Should You Buy TikTok Followers?

With its vast user base and skyrocketing popularity, it’s no wonder that more and more startups are flocking to this platform in droves. But hold on tight, because there are some common mistakes that you need to steer clear of if you want your startup to thrive on TikTok. If you’re wondering if this includes knowing how to buy tiktok followers, you might want to reconsider it. Today, we’ll show you the real mistakes people make on TikTok that hurt their brands.



Ignoring Platform Demographics

Every social media platform has its own unique user base, and TikTok is no exception. If you fail to understand who your target audience is on this platform, you’re essentially shooting in the dark. TikTok predominantly attracts a younger demographic, with Gen Z users making up a significant portion of its active users. So, if your startup’s target audience falls outside this age group, it’s crucial not to neglect this fact. Tailoring your content to resonate with younger viewers can help you grab their attention and build brand awareness. But don’t get caught up solely focusing on age demographics; consider other factors such as interests and preferences, too. For instance, TikTok’s user base has demonstrated a strong interest in entertainment-related content like dance challenges or lip-syncing videos.

Not Bringing in a Sense of Human

TikTok is all about authenticity and connecting with users on a more personal level. It’s not enough to simply post promotional videos or generic content. To truly engage your audience, you need to show the human side of your brand. This could mean featuring behind-the-scenes footage, showcasing your employees, or even sharing personal stories related to your business. By doing so, you create a connection with viewers and make them feel like they’re part of something bigger. Another way to bring in a sense of humanity is by interacting with your followers. Remember, TikTok is a platform where users want to be entertained and inspired. So don’t be afraid to let loose and have fun.


Jumping on Every Trend on TikTok Mindlessly

Blindly following every trend without considering your brand or target audience can come across as inauthentic. Users on TikTok value genuine content that resonates with them, and if you’re just hopping on bandwagons without any thought behind it, you risk losing credibility. Not all trends are suitable or relevant for your business. While it’s important to stay current and engage with popular culture, forcing yourself into a trend that doesn’t align with your brand values or message can confuse your audience and dilute your identity. Additionally, constantly chasing after trends may divert resources from creating unique and original content that truly showcases what makes your startup special. By consistently riding the wave of trending videos, you miss out on opportunities to establish a distinct voice and style that sets you apart from competitors.

Posting Without Strategic Planning and Scheduling

Without a clear plan in place, your TikTok posts may appear disjointed and inconsistent, making it difficult for viewers to connect with your brand. That’s why professionals always take their time to design a solid content strategy that aligns with their business objectives and resonates with the audience. Scheduling plays a vital role in maintaining consistency on TikTok. Posting sporadically can lead to uneven engagement rates as well as hinder growth potential. Establishing a regular posting schedule means building anticipation among followers and maintaining their interest over time.

To wrap up, your startup will have a huge lead in TikTok marketing if you can embrace the opportunities that TikTok presents but do so strategically by understanding the platform’s demographics, connecting authentically with viewers, being selective about trends, and planning ahead.…